Dear Sir, Madam

Would you like to help me with our language project?

I am a masters student Type & Media at the Royal Academy of Arts

in The Hague, The Netherlands. We specialize in Type and Typography.

This language project tries to collect and analyze European languages

by comparing their roots, particularities, letter frequencies etc.

I need some information from a native speaker about Luxemburgish.

- are there any native typedesigners?

- are there any typefaces designed especially for Luxemburgish?

- do you know any linguistic particularities?

- can you give comments on the UN Human Rights text that is attached?

- do you have some samples of Luxemburgish text?

It would be helpful if you can also give me the source

from which you have found the information.

I very much appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Yours sincerly,

Circe Penningdevries

Type & Media

KABK The Hague

The Netherlands

ps. I cannot attach a file here but the address is the following: